
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2018


Teknologi Blockchain menyediakan berbagai keyakinan digital yang dapat meningkatkan pasar uang untuk dikuasai oleh dunia cryptocurrency, Nilai perdagangan tidak pernah gratis dari naik turun harga dan uang, masuk akal untuk crypto komersial. perusahaan untuk tetap menggunakan, dan di sini kami akan menjelaskan tentang Perusahaan Koin Kaching.Kaching Coins Pada awal tahun, ada sejumlah besar pasar dan komersial yang dijual dengan fitur tertentu. PERUSAHAAN KOINS KARYA Menjadi salah satu perusahaan terbesar dengan masa depan Cryptocurrency. Perusahaan Kaching Coins Menjadi salah satu perusahaan besar dengan sukses besar di masa depan. Dalam dunia Cryptocurrency, perdagangan tidak pernah lepas dari naik dan turunnya nilai tukar dan uang, wajar bagi perusahaan untuk menjaga sistem dari investasi, kecuali perusahaan tidak memiliki ide kreatif. Apa itu Koin Kaching? Kaching Coins adalah ekosistem di dunia, didukung oleh Blockchain. Kaching Coins (KAC) adalah fungsi untuk mentransfer in...


Share Buy and Sell Order Between Exchanges? Yes! Every exchanges rented or purchased on the BIRAKE platform will share the same buy and sell orders, meaning new owners will not have to start over from scratch again, meaning they will not spend much on advertising anymore. Every new owners within the Birake platform will benefit from the previous owners' effort in attracting users because this exchanges will work on different exchange websites but on the background they are made on a single foundation, the Birake Platform. We all know how important Exchanges is in the world of cryptocurrency. We can buy and sell a currency to another currency with the help of these Exchanges. But the problem with the current market is, individuality. Users and Investors tend to use only the top notchers of exchanges, leaving new ones, even though offers a good and better services will be having a hard time getting their market volume to rise up. Birake will solve the individuality of every e...

ZAN Coin Official Bounty Campaign Thread The Bounty Campaign will run from April 20th until June 20th!

For the Bitcointalk Bounty Campaign, up to 700,000 ZAN have been reserved to be distributed to participants. ZAN are ERC20 Tokens which will be distributed among the participants in the bounty campaign based on shares earned in each bounty component, given the allocations for each as seen below. Bounty Components 1. Telegram Campaign - 10% 2. Facebook Campaign- 20% 3. Twitter Campaign - 20% 4. YouTube Campaign – 10% 5. Article/Media Campaign - 15% 6. Translation Campaign - 15%  7. Signature Campaign - 10%  IMPORTANT: Once a participants registers with an ETH Address, do not change address throughout the campaign! Only provide ETH address to which you know the private keys or seed phrases. (No exchanges, Shapeshift, or other 3rd party services). Send us your public ERC20 Address We are in WEEK ONE! Week 1 runs from April 20th to April 26th. 1. ZAN Coin Telegram Campaign - 10% Rewards: • Telegram Channel Registration...


Birake is built by software company that has been operating since 2010 in the web software industry specially in south america. Birake is designed by expert people. As a traders and investors , they have overcome the circumstance of overloading exchanging platforms in the cryptographic area. Especially in 2017, there have been numerous time when more than half of large cryptographic exchanging platforms have been overloaded/closed/hacked or inoperable for drawn out stretches of time. for the reason, birake dev believe that the BIRAKE plateform will come with the answer for the end user, yet in addition for companies that target a business/exchange of data in this field. Likewise the BIRAKE platform can be used successfully in the new emerging communities and coins, eager to join an exchange platform. with BIRAKE people they will even able to run their own particular exchanging platform. Team is dedicated to this project has over 10 year of experience in web development and control...


ZAN Coin은 독립적 인 개발자의 지불 문제를 지속적으로 겪고있는 컨설팅 회사입니다. ZAN 코인은 우리가 더 빨리 지불하고 더 잘 일할 수있게 도와 주며, 이는 우리의 성공에 대한 모든 참가자들을 끌어 들일 것입니다. 소프트웨어 개발 모델 (SD)은 종종 다음과 같은 단점을 가지고 있습니다. 직원들에게 동기를 부여하는 요인들을 고려하여, 이는 프로세스의 성공에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 제품의 강력한 개발. 연구는 고용과 같은 직접적이고 실질적으로 귀속되고 비 물질적 인 요소의 작업에 대한 만족도와 좋은 임금 및 편익을 지속적으로 나타냅니다. 직원 복리 후생과 관련된 직접적인 혜택 제품을 통한 조직의 성공 개발 및 금융 혜택을 통해 측정 할 수 있습니다, 직원 참여 및 동기 부여가 발생할 수 있으며, ZAN Coin이이 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다. 우리는 소프트웨어 개발에서 개발자와 투자자의 동기를 높이기 위해 ZAN Coin을 언급하고 있습니다. 생활주기 블록 체인 기술 적용. ZAN 동전은 현존하는 토대로 성공적인 비즈니스 모델, 그것을 향상시키기 위해, 프로세스 및 제품은 핵심 비즈니스를 진정으로 구현합니다. 개발자 및 투자자는 ZAN Coin을 지급 받게됩니다. 성장하는 동안 추가 투자로 절약 조직. 배당금에 대한 잠재력 ZAN 의 수준을 높여 동기를 증가시킵니다. 직원 및 기타 참가자의 의무 SDLC의 전반적인 성취. 35 년 이상의 보안 경험 컨설팅 및 소프트웨어 개발, ZAN Coin은 SDLC를 새로운 차원으로 끌어 올렸고, 더 나은 지역 사회의 지원을받는 진정으로 성공에 투자하십시오. 우리는 다루지 않는다. 현저한 가치 상승에 대한 비현실적인 기대 단기간에; 우리가 제공하는 것은 구체적이다. TIM에서 프레젠테이션 알기 TIM은 토큰 판매를 3 부분으로 나눕니다. ICO PRESALE 기간 동안 1ETH 동안 1500 ZAN 1 ETH ICO ROUND 1을위한 1200 ZAN 1ETH ICO ROUND 2를위한 900 ZAN ...


BIRAKE dibangun oleh perusahaan software yang telah beroperasi sejak 2010 di industri perangkat lunak web. Kami adalah perusahaan yang nyata, kami punya telah lebih aktif di industri media dan terutama di Amerika Selatan. Kami memiliki solusi portofolio dan perangkat lunak yang telah mendukung lebih dari 20 juta pengguna per hari Dimulai dengan tahun 2010 kami telah mengembangkan / menerapkan global sistem manajemen konten untuk industri yang berbeda. Sejauh ini, yang utama Aktivitas bisnis kami adalah industri keuangan dan media. Kami berpengalaman trading di industri forex dan diakhiri dengan industri kriptografi selama lebih dari 5 tahun. Kami telah menerapkan sistem perdagangan otomatis, platform pertukaran, dan belakangan ini kami lebih fokus pada area enkripsi. Sebagai pedagang dan investor, kita telah mengatasi situasi overloading platform trading di area kriptografi. Terutama di 2017, ada kalanya lebih dari 50% kriptografi besar Platform trading telah kelebihan b...